
Consorcio de Cooperación para la Comercialización y Exportación de Carnes

Company data

Tax no.: 30716974460

Address: DUARTE QUIROS 559 Piso:5 Dpto:A

Location: Córdoba

Province: Córdoba

Post code: 5000

Phone no.: 3513169688


Web site:

Brief description of the company

We are a group of 11 consolidated Argentine livestock producers with a long history, experts in agricultural production for generations, investing in advanced technology to enhance our production processes, thinking about the future. We have more than 25 courses, mostly in the central area and pulsing towards northern Argentina. We are in the heart of the country, our productive region, which with its heartbeat feeds the entire nation and the entire world. Our lands are inhabited by the finest native British Breeds, which together with our production models and pastoral criteria, achieve the perfect link to create the most authentic meat in flavor of origin. We have an annual stock of 100,000 heads of cattle, which thanks to their genetic heritage and climatic adaptability, are capable of providing tons of premium quality meat, without interruption, achieving traceability from breeding. Our production systems are focused on rigorously controlling how to achieve perfect marbling, flavor, texture and tenderness. This allows us to consolidate Argentine meat in its cooking, as the most palatable.


Countries Exported to: Austria, Espana, Estados Unidos, Holanda

Products Exported: Frozen Cuts, Hilton Chilled Cuts, Quarters

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