Meat procesing plant


Company data

Tax no.: 30707916075

Address: Ruta 210, km 46.500

Location: San Vicente

Province: Buenos Aires

Post code: 1864

Phone no.: +542225421509


Web site:

Total livestock capacity: 800


Santa Giulia

SENASA Number: 1352

Animals Range: Mas de 20.000

Address: Ruta 210, km 46.500

Location: San Vicente

Province: Buenos Aires

Post code: 1864

Phone no.: +542225421509


Commercial contact

Leonel Mariani

Position: Gerente Comercial

Phone no.: +5491170320531


Brief description of the company

Plant 1352, build on 1953, and very well recognize around the world Where Flavor Begins. Our company export the 95% of our production. Our own fields administrated by TOTALsa and our international awards winner feedlot PROTECOsa are pleases where flavor is build. After that, in plant 1352 SANTA GIULIA, is where flavor begins. Our focus on the requirements of our customers, these is our priority, in order to build a long term relationship.


Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes

Are you currently exporting?: Yes

Countries Enabled for Export: Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Argelia, Aruba, Bahrein, Belgica, Brasil, Canada, Canarias (ES), Chile, China, Chipre, Ciudad estado del Vaticano(Santa Sede), Corea, Croacia, Curacao, Dinamarca, El Salvador, Emiratos Arabes, Espana, Estados Unidos, Francia, Ghana, Ghana, Grecia, Holanda, Hong Kong, Irlanda, Israel, Italia, Kuwait, Marruecos, Mexico, Montenegro, Polinesia francesa, Polonia, Portugal, Qatar, Reino Unido, República del Congo, Rumania, Saint Marteen (Francia), Saint Marteen (Holanda), Senegal, Serbia, Singapur, Sudafrica, Suiza, Togo, Ucrania, Unión Europea, Uruguay

Countries Exported to: Arabia Saudita, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Emiratos Arabes, Estados Unidos, Israel, Italia, Mexico, Qatar, Sudafrica, Suiza, Ucrania, Unión Europea

Religious Certifications: Halal, Kosher

Products Exported: Cortes Congelados, Cortes Enfriados Hilton, Especialidades y Carne Salada, Manufactura

Association Certifications: Aberdeen Angus

Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal, HACCP

Other Process Certifications: BRC (A++)

Contact the exporter

Type of activity