Meat procesing plant

Grupo Lequio

Company data

Tax no.: 33-60970695-9

Address: Av. Luis Carballo 183, Piso 8

Location: Rosario

Province: Santa Fe

Post code: 2000

Phone no.: +54 0341 208 0190

Email: N/C

Web site:

Total livestock capacity: 312.000


Frigorífico Alberdi

SENASA Number: 2595

Carnes Pampeanas

SENASA Number: 2520

Brief description of the company

A family emigrates and settles in the city of Chascomús, Argentina. Several generations of trade and work, some dedicated to making a living from the recovery of animal slaughter and others practicing the trade of butchers. Over time, work was perfected and defined, and it was possible to industrialize and export animal by products and offal. As a result: a large scale industry, with related diversifications. Years of development and growth in the field, prompted a new generation to participate in the largest scale sector of the refrigeration industry, the slaughter and production of bovine and porcine meat cuts.


Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes

Are you currently exporting?: Yes

Countries Enabled for Export: Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Corea, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Israel, Mexico, Unión Europea, Uruguay, Vietnam

Countries Exported to: Brasil, Chile, China, Corea, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Israel, Unión Europea, Uruguay, Vietnam

Religious Certifications: Halal, Kosher

Products Exported: Frozen Cuts, Hilton Chilled Cuts

Association Certifications: Aberdeen Angus

Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal, BPM, HACCP

Other Process Certifications: BRC - USDA ORGANIC

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Type of activity