Meat procesing plant

Frigorifico Gral Las Heras S.A

Company data

Tax no.: 30-59731858-4

Address: Ruta Provincial 6


Province: Provincia de Buenos Aires

Post code: B1741

Phone no.: 02204988001


Web site:

Total livestock capacity: 15000


Frigorifico Gral Las Heras

SENASA Number: 2550

Animals Range: 10.000 a 15.000

Address: Ruta 200 km 69,5

Location: Gral Las Heras

Province: Provincia de Buenos Aires

Post code: B1741

Phone no.: 02204988001


Commercial contact

Mariano Martinez

Position: Presidente

Phone no.: 3548595923


Brief description of the company

The establishment began its activities in 1987 and was progressively expanded and modernized to reach the actual facilities. The Cowpens can hold up to 4,500 heads. The plant can produce approximately 1,500 heads per day. Its production capacity for deboning is 2,000 tons of product weight per month Located in the district of Las Heras on the provincial route 40 km 69.5 in a 60 hectare property. With more than 40 years of experience in the field, it is a prominent player in the agro-industrial sector. The company has always looked for investment opportunities to update and improve its performance. Its great work team has helped to maintain high quality standards for international markets. Today is a leading player in trade with the Chinese market and its annual exports amount to 22,000 tons . Las Heras produce a wide variety of chilled and frozen cuts with the support of our brand that is synonymous with quality and responsibility worldwide.


Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes

Are you currently exporting?: Yes

Countries Enabled for Export: Angola, Brasil, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Malasia, Rusia, Singapur, Venezuela

Countries Exported to: China

Religious Certifications: Halal

Products Exported: Cortes Congelados

Association Certifications:

Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal, BPM, HACCP, POES

Contact the exporter

Type of activity