Meat procesing plant


Company data

Tax no.: 30-53786915-8

Address: AV DE MAYO 676 7MO PISO

Location: CABA


Post code: 1084

Phone no.: 1157943004


Web site:

Total livestock capacity: 1600 por día



SENASA Number: 2025

Animals Range: Mas de 20.000

Address: CALLE 501 esq. 157

Location: LA PLATA


Post code: 1896

Phone no.: + 54 9 221 478-0110


Commercial contact

Carlos A Riusech

Position: Director

Phone no.: 1157943003


Brief description of the company

Gorina is a leading company in the Argentine meat-processing industry. Its modern industrial plant has advanced infrastructure making Gorina a remarkable supplier of meat products for the international market.The care applied to its processes with continuous improvement and permanent training guarantees Gorina a privileged position in the cattle and meat market. Our plant is located in the City of La Plata, 70 km from Buenos Aires. It is located in the region of Pampa Húmeda where there is a high supply of raw material. This region is known internationally for its capacity to produce high quality meat. Gorina has a slaughter capability of 30.000 heads per month (80.000 Metric Tons of Beef with bone per year), and state of the art technology in the deboning area that operates a total of 5.000 quarters per day. The total capacity is 75.000 tons per year, exporting worldwide 60.000 tons. The plant has a laboratory with the latest technology that guarantees the safety of products. Gorina has the required certifications that enable the facility to export to the world: HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), BRC (British Retail Consortium), and others. To accomplish thoroughly the vision of being a supplier of excellence to the world, the company continues to invest in its future. Frigorífico Gorina has become one of the greatest exporters of beef, due to a combination of endurance, respect, austerity and passion from everyone at the company.


Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes

Are you currently exporting?: Yes

Countries Enabled for Export: Albania, Angola, Argelia, Aruba, Bolivia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croacia, Cuba, Curacao, Ecuador, Egipto, Estados Unidos, Hong Kong, Israel, Líbano, Marruecos, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Polinesia francesa, Rusia, Singapur, Sudafrica, Tailandia, Unión Europea, Venezuela, Vietnam

Countries Exported to: Brasil, Chile, China, Colombia, Estados Unidos, Israel, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Polinesia francesa, Rusia, Singapur, Tailandia, Unión Europea

Religious Certifications: Halal, Kosher

Products Exported: Cortes Congelados, Cortes Enfriados Hilton

Others Products Exported: HUESOS, CORTES ENFRIADOS

Association Certifications: Aberdeen Angus, Hereford

Other Association Breeder's Certifications: grass feed, animal welfare, mc donals

Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal, BPM, HACCP

Other Process Certifications: BRC, NAMI/PACO

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