Meat procesing plant

Frigorifíco Forres Beltrán S.A.

Company data

Tax no.: 30-71001428-7

Address: Ruta nacional N°34, km 698.5

Location: Ingeniero Forres

Province: Santiago del Estero

Post code: 4312

Phone no.: (0385)-155176117/308


Web site:

Total livestock capacity: 180000 Cabezas anuales


Frigorífico Forres Beltrán S.A.

SENASA Number: 4720

Animals Range: 10.000 a 15.000

Address: Ruta nacional N°34, km 698.5

Location: Ingeniero Forres

Province: Santiago del Estero

Post code: 4312

Phone no.: (0385)-155176117/308


Commercial contact

Facundo Secco

Position: Ventas exportacion

Phone no.: +5943855953461


Brief description of the company

Frigorífico Forres Beltrán S.A is a company founded from entirely national capital, falling within the provincial system of industrial promotion and development in Santiago del Estero, our establishment generates more than 400 permanent jobs directly. Our commitment is to meet the needs and requirements of our customers, ensuring the quality, safety and authenticity of our products. So as to meet legal and contractual safety requirements, we implemented a food quality and safety management system developed under a certifiable scheme accepted by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and by promoting environmental care.


Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes

Are you currently exporting?: Yes

Countries Enabled for Export: Alemania, Angola, Brasil, Chile, China, Costa de Marfil, Estados Unidos, Gabón, Ghana, Ghana, Holanda, Hong Kong, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Reino Unido, República del Congo, Republica Democratica del Congo, Sudafrica, Unión Europea, Uruguay

Countries Exported to: Alemania, Angola, Brasil, China, Costa de Marfil, Ghana, Ghana, Holanda, Hong Kong, Peru, República del Congo, Republica Democratica del Congo, Sudafrica, Unión Europea

Religious Certifications: Halal

Products Exported: Cortes Congelados, Cortes Enfriados Hilton, Cuartos, Menudencias Bovinas

Association Certifications:

Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal

Other Process Certifications: BRCGS V9

Contact the exporter

Type of activity