Meat procesing plant
Company data
Tax no.: 30711952841
Address: Comandante Franco 4901
Location: Bernal Oeste
Province: Buenos Aires
Post code: 1876
Phone no.: 1163116500
Web site:
Total livestock capacity: 280000
Romina Rolando
SENASA Number: 2062
Animals Range: 1 a 1.000
Address: Comandante Franco 4901
Location: Bernal Oeste
Province: Buenos Aires
Post code: 1876
Phone no.: 01163116510
Commercial contact
Romina Rolando
Position: Gerente de exportaciones
Phone no.: 1163116510
Brief description of the company
Throughout our long history we have always maintained significant levels of quality and reliability, opening new markets with products adapted to all of our client´s specifications and positioning ourselves as a leading meat supplier in national and international trade. We began our business more than 60 years ago, starting a solid trajectory in the beef industry. We supply excellent products to both the domestic and international markets with a focus on the following destinations: Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, England, Switzerland, France, Israel, United States, China, Brazil, Thailand, Hong Kong and Russia among others. The production capacity at our plant has allowed us to maintain a steady growth. Therefore, the quality of our products, our committed commercial policies and the constant pursuit of excellence in any market are and will always be the main pillars of our growth. Finexcor was established in the 1960´s, starting an integrated history in the beef industry, which is still recognized by producers, clients and consumers in argentina and the world. Between 2004 and 2005, Finexcor was acquired by Cargill SACI as part of their global strategy, bringing investments to enhance the production of meats and value-added products. In 2011, Cargill completed the transfer of its meat business to an Argentine business group. Currently, Compañía Bernal has positioned itself as a leader in Argentine beef exports. Today, the commercial ties and contacts of Finexcor SRL are preserved, as well as the achievements related to food safety management and our commitment to our quality policy. At Compañía Bernal S.A. we strongly believe in the power of responsible and ethical actions. This is why our Social Business Responsibility (SBR) policy constitutes an integral part of our corporate identity. We are committed with the development of responsible business management, based on ethical principles and strongly abiding the law, respect of people, families, communities and the environment. We ensure that activities are carried out safely to guarantee the health of employees, customers, and the general public. We produce fresh and frozen beef cuts destined for the domestic market and for export, prepared according to the requirements of our clients and with the most advanced technology. Compañía Bernal´s strategy is to develop long-term commercial ties, or as we like to call them, “partnerships”. We are not looking for spot purchasing, trading companies, nor entering and leaving markets. Our goal is for the relationships we develop with our clients to be characterized by mutual commitment. That’s the way we have worked with our clients, some of them for over 30 years. Among our clients are supermarket chains, chain restaurants, hotels, etc who we supply our product year round. We have contacted you for this reason, as we would like to have partners interested in working with us and developing a long-term project. We provide our contact information below and look forward to establishing communication with you soon, through this medium or a meeting in person at our offices.
Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes
Are you currently exporting?: Yes
Countries Enabled for Export: Albania, Angola, Antillas Hol., Arabia Saudita, Argelia, Aruba, Barbados, Bolivia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Comores, Corea del Norte, Costa de Marfil, Cuba, Curacao, Ecuador, Egipto, Estados Unidos, Gabón, Guadalupe, Guinea, Guinea ecuat, Holanda, Hong Kong, Islandia, Israel, Jordania, Kenia, Kuwait, Líbano, Libia, Macedonia, Malasia, Marruecos, Martinica, Nigeria, Noruega, Oman, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, República del Congo, Republica Democratica del Congo, Reunin, Rusia, Senegal, Sierra Leona, Singapur, Sudafrica, Suiza, Tailandia, Ucrania, Unión Europea, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam
Countries Exported to: Albania, Angola, Antillas Hol., Arabia Saudita, Argelia, Aruba, Barbados, Bolivia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Comores, Corea del Norte, Costa de Marfil, Cuba, Curacao, Ecuador, Egipto, Estados Unidos, Gabón, Guadalupe, Guinea, Guinea ecuat, Holanda, Hong Kong, Islandia, Israel, Jordania, Kenia, Kuwait, Líbano, Libia, Macedonia, Malasia, Marruecos, Martinica, Nigeria, Noruega, Oman, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, República del Congo, Republica Democratica del Congo, Reunin, Rusia, Senegal, Sierra Leona, Singapur, Sudafrica, Suiza, Tailandia, Ucrania, Unión Europea, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam
Religious Certifications: Halal, Kosher
Products Exported: Frozen Cuts, Hilton Chilled Cuts
Association Certifications: Aberdeen Angus
Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal, BPM, HACCP, ISO 9001/9002, POES