Meat procesing plant

Arre Beef SA

Company data

Tax no.: 30-66627755-0

Address: Lola Mora 421 -Torre I - Of. 902 - Piso 9

Location: Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Province: Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Post code: 1107

Phone no.: (54) 11 5245 8409


Web site:

Total livestock capacity: 1500 animales / día


Planta Industrial Pérez Millán

SENASA Number: 2082

Animals Range: 1.000 a 5.000

Address: Río Paraná 901

Location: Pérez Millán, partido de Ramallo

Province: Buenos Aires

Post code: 2933

Phone no.: (54) 3329 492063


Planta Industrial Escobar

SENASA Number: 1301

Animals Range: 1 a 1.000

Address: Las Garzas s/n, entre Sarmiento y Las Heras

Location: Belén de Escobar

Province: Buenos Aires

Post code: 1625

Phone no.: (54) 11 5245 8409


Commercial contact

Carolina Mendoza

Position: Export Manager

Phone no.: +54 9 11 5245 8909


Brief description of the company

Arrebeef is an Argentine company with over 100 years of experience in the production and sale of beef and beef by-products. We have our own brands and the high capacity to produce brands for demanding clients worldwide, including large supermarket chains. Our products are present in diverse international markets, and we are globally known for our constant commitment to quality and sustainable production. We have the first biogas plant in our industry, which converts organic waste from the beef packing-plant into renewable electrical energy, achieving significant positive impacts on the environment and the community.


Are you enabled by SENASA to export?: Yes

Are you currently exporting?: Yes

Countries Enabled for Export: Alemania, Angola, Arabia Saudita, Argelia, Aruba, Barbados, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Espana, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Georgia, Holanda, Hong Kong, Israel, Italia, Kazajistan, Kuwait, Marruecos, Mexico, Noruega, Oman, Peru, Polinesia francesa, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reino Unido, Rusia, Singapur, Sudafrica, Suiza, Tunez, Unión Europea, Uruguay, Vietnam

Countries Exported to: Alemania, Barbados, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Espana, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Holanda, Hong Kong, Israel, Italia, Kazajistan, Mexico, Noruega, Peru, Polinesia francesa, Portugal, Reino Unido, Rusia, Singapur, Sudafrica, Tunez, Vietnam

Religious Certifications: Halal, Kosher

Products Exported: Frozen Cuts, Hilton Chilled Cuts, Quarters, Beef Offal

Association Certifications: Aberdeen Angus

Other Association Breeder's Certifications: High Quality Beef

Process Certifications: Bienestar Animal, BPM, HACCP, POES, QUACP

Other Process Certifications: BRCGS

Contact the exporter

Type of activity