
Chuck and Blade

CODE 2301


It consists of a cut from the forequarter made up of neck, chuck and blade. It is located in the cervical and dorsal region, limited caudally by the fore ribs and ventrally by the corresponding portion of the rib cage (plate) and shin. This boneless cut comes from the bone-in cut. Brisket and shin are taken away. Chuck and neck are prepared together and the shoulder clod and chuck tender have been separated but are included with them.

The 1st to 7 th cervical vertebrae and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal, vertebrae and corresponding spinal rib ends, blade bone and scapular cartilage, humerus, ulna and proximal epiphysis of the radius.

Rhomboideus, complexus, esplenius, longissimus, dorsi, espinalis dorsi, multifidi dorsi, iliocostalis, serratus dorsalis cranealis, trapezius, deltoideus, latissimus dorsi, infraspinatus, triceps brachii (long head, lateral head and medial head), anconeus internus, anconeus externus, teres major, tensor de la fasciae antebrachii and supraespinatus muscles.